
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is the best fertilizer for your lawn?

If human body needs some vitamins just to be healthy all the time, then the same logic also to your lawn and garden, it is important to have fertilizer. If you are a good observer and not just a typical buyer then do not just look for a cheaper fertilizer, try to use an ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Why? because using an inorganic fertilizer will only cause rapid growth and disease prone. Aside from the fact that it kill the micro-organism which are useful for the lawn, it can cause burning of roots and destroy soil structure. Why organic fertilizer?

  • It improves the life of the soil and maintain the healthy balance growth.
  • No toxicity and burn of the grass.
  • Micro-organism is important to your lawn and organic fertilizer stimulate it that release lot of nutrients.
  • High of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash which are vital for all lawn.
  • Increase the water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Soil allows more air to get to the grass roots because organic fertilizer increases the bacterial and fungal activity.
  • Less pollution which is important for our KIDS FUTURE!

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