
Monday, February 28, 2011

how to have a healthy kid?

Being a parent is not really an easy task especially today that we have economic crisis not only in Austria but the whole world as well. If there is some difficulty in budgeting then most probably the health of the kids are also affected because the quality of food might not be given so much importance. What are the best way to avoid malnutrition or stay fit all the time? (picture courtesy of Flickr)

  • Eat nutritious food which are not expensive like grains, fruits, vegetables, milk or dairy products, meat, beans and fish. Since meat is so expensive and our body needs few of those, it is a better substitute to eat more fruits and vegetables or dairy products. Kids are always active then they need more calories which can be found from common grain foods such as slice of bread, cereal or oatmeal, rice, pasta. And to have a strong bones, our kids need a lot of calcium as well. If you think that milk is so expensive then substitute yogurt or cheese. Iron is also a vital vitamin for our kids and peanut butter has lot of it. If you think egg is so expensive then try cooked dry beans.
  • Exercise. Well, every kid do it all the time without noticing it. Running, biking, playing.
  • Drink a lot of water. Limit sugary drinks such as juice, cola, soda.
  • Avoid too much time watching TV or video, playing nintendo. The more time kids spend on electronics stuff the less time to be active outdoor.
  • Be active and do not give stress to your kids.
Being a fit kid means having a fit parents also!

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