
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Giving stress to your kids is not healthy, why?

Ever been asking why your kids have stomach pain? How about trouble in sleeping? And the worst terrible headache? Being a parent, it might not be good if our kids are sick. But we found out that stomach pain, trouble in sleeping and headache are symptoms of 'KID'S STRESS'. Kids can be stressed, HOW & WHY?

1. Having too much report, assignment and exams in school
2. Anxiety in reading a report in the class
3. Witnessing parents fighting for something at home
4. Experiencing the burden of a sick brother or sister at home
5. Being upset for something
6. Showing bad attitude to your kids
7. Parents divorce
8. Death of a loved one

How to avoid stress for kids?

1. If your kid feels like tired and stressed because of too much going on, let him/her drop something even for a semester.
2. Teach your kid the relaxation exercise like inhaling & exhaling slowly.
3. Being a parent, balance your life. Learn how to spend your time with the kids.
4. Have FUN with your kids.
5. Avoid blaming your kids too much.

Being a parent is not really an easy task but it could be easier if our kids stay as healthy as possible. Smile!

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