
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why do you like to reduce? The answer? 'Bora'

New year's eve 2008! One of my new year's resolution is to exercise and be fit. Why?! The answer is one word 'Bora'! But it is just one of the reasons, to be honest, getting older (going 38 ahhhhh) I must be very careful with my diet coz I believe that too much fat can cause a lot of disease and it is hard to 'porma kaya' (one of my sickness, sale, porma, shoes he he he). Dad out there, you don't need an expensive thing like those we see in gym. What you need is just dumbells, time and patience. If you have enough money (around Euro 100) then buy a stationary bike. In just a matter of 2 months, I lost 5 kilos and really love the result and actually hate it also. How to reduce 5 kilos in just a matter of 2 mos? The tips are here :


1. MWF (Mon, Wed, Fri) - 15 minutes biking (stationary bike) & 3 x 30 counts sit-ups
2. TTHS (Tue, Thu, Sat) - 15 minutes dumbells & 3 x 30 counts sit-ups


Breakfast - 1 glass of milk or coffee with milk
1 Sandwich(just put bacon or spread fruit jam)

Lunch & Dinner - avoid too much rice or carbohydrates intake. And don't eat too full. I eat everything but a little of something. Tip : 'Eat everything but not lamun' (he he he)

Just do it for 2 mos. and I assure that your friends will notice the difference. But in my case as I've said before, I hate the result coz my friend told me that I am 'pangit pag payat' coz my face gets too long (ang gulo he he he).

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