
Sunday, February 27, 2011

prayer time at home, together? how?

It is really hard to start or to decide a daily devotion of having a family prayer like doing it together because of the busy schedule and different priorities as well. But it is important to start a routine. How?

  • Make your prayer short and simple.

  • Use some ready-made devotional prayer. Those are materials that you can buy or copy from the church or some religious group.

  • Find some resources that are prepared specifically for children.

  • Prayer can take place anywhere, anytime but it is important to establish one set place to use each time. This will develop a sense of routine for the children.

  • Choose a place that is free from distractions.

  • Do not choose a time that will disrupt the regular activities of your children because it could lead to resentment and later on will defeat the purpose of devotion time.

  • Family come together during mealtime. It is the ideal time to start a short prayer.

  • Another good time is in the evening of Wednesday where everyone can pray the holy rosary. This will create a prayerful atmosphere.

Sometimes as a parent, we should find a way that a family could stay together. There is a beautiful quote ' A family that prays together, stays together'.

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