
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

share and be blessed...

Sometimes when a kid ask a question, it is really difficult to answer it in a simple and clear way. Last Sunday M asked me during the mass, how come I am giving money as an offering every time and he said 'es ist geldverschwendung'(losing money). I just smile and said it is one way to thank Him and share our blessing. M asked again, why Daddy? I just look to my son and said, 'son they will use it to pay electric bills'. And M smile as a sign that the 'little' amount of money we share is going to be used for a good purpose.

Does it really matters to Him the amount that we share? Shame, shame and shame on me because the amount is not really that 'big' , to think it is just Euro 3.

And then someone whisper to me, 'it is not the amount that matters but how you give it' .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God's right timing

Have you been upset and frustrated when God is not answering your prayer and even wondering how come He is not doing something for quite long? Because we do not understand God's timing. Here are some tips on how to be stressed out and deal with the problem of WAITING.

  • Keep in mind that God is in control of everything and He is planning for the perfect time.

  • Wait with good attitude and expectancy.

  • Be positive. Knowing that God has great things in store.

  • Do not be upset, frustrated and always avoid the attitude of complaining.

  • If you know that it is worth waiting for then enjoy your life while waiting for the right time.

  • Be happy while God is processing things.

  • Relax and enjoy your lives.

  • Do not struggle and figure everything out. Do not wonder why something is not happening according to your plan.

  • Rest and trust God.

  • If you are not seeing God in your plan then think the two possibilities: 1) your requests may not be God's best or 2) it is not the right time

  • God is working to a certain situation that is connected to your prayer. You might be ready but the person involve to your plan is not.

  • Do not try to force to open all doors and make things happen using your own strength.

  • Be patient and let God bring His plan. Never stop praying.

'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a FUTURE.' Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, February 28, 2011

how to have a healthy kid?

Being a parent is not really an easy task especially today that we have economic crisis not only in Austria but the whole world as well. If there is some difficulty in budgeting then most probably the health of the kids are also affected because the quality of food might not be given so much importance. What are the best way to avoid malnutrition or stay fit all the time? (picture courtesy of Flickr)

  • Eat nutritious food which are not expensive like grains, fruits, vegetables, milk or dairy products, meat, beans and fish. Since meat is so expensive and our body needs few of those, it is a better substitute to eat more fruits and vegetables or dairy products. Kids are always active then they need more calories which can be found from common grain foods such as slice of bread, cereal or oatmeal, rice, pasta. And to have a strong bones, our kids need a lot of calcium as well. If you think that milk is so expensive then substitute yogurt or cheese. Iron is also a vital vitamin for our kids and peanut butter has lot of it. If you think egg is so expensive then try cooked dry beans.
  • Exercise. Well, every kid do it all the time without noticing it. Running, biking, playing.
  • Drink a lot of water. Limit sugary drinks such as juice, cola, soda.
  • Avoid too much time watching TV or video, playing nintendo. The more time kids spend on electronics stuff the less time to be active outdoor.
  • Be active and do not give stress to your kids.
Being a fit kid means having a fit parents also!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

prayer time at home, together? how?

It is really hard to start or to decide a daily devotion of having a family prayer like doing it together because of the busy schedule and different priorities as well. But it is important to start a routine. How?

  • Make your prayer short and simple.

  • Use some ready-made devotional prayer. Those are materials that you can buy or copy from the church or some religious group.

  • Find some resources that are prepared specifically for children.

  • Prayer can take place anywhere, anytime but it is important to establish one set place to use each time. This will develop a sense of routine for the children.

  • Choose a place that is free from distractions.

  • Do not choose a time that will disrupt the regular activities of your children because it could lead to resentment and later on will defeat the purpose of devotion time.

  • Family come together during mealtime. It is the ideal time to start a short prayer.

  • Another good time is in the evening of Wednesday where everyone can pray the holy rosary. This will create a prayerful atmosphere.

Sometimes as a parent, we should find a way that a family could stay together. There is a beautiful quote ' A family that prays together, stays together'.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be Financially Fit! Try BillsIQ!

An average income family could not breath normally nowadays because of the tremendous inflation and increase of every primary needs. The saddest part is the debt of each family that really affect the normal living. Who is going to save the future of each family? The government? The bank that sometimes get so much interest for every debt? Or BillsIQ?

BillsIQ is a site that focus mainly to one of the most important aspect of our finances which are credit, debt, budget, wealth and life plan. The site has a different approach compare to other competitors because they will get some important information regarding to your financial problems using their friendly and practical questions and be able to test if you are financially fit.

If credit is one of your problem then do not just have an attitude of 'it does not matter' because with BillsIQ, you will have a free credit card debt. How? They have a systematic way of asking their clients on how he or she pay the monthly bills which is a debt help. Your solution could be focused on what is to be considered which is debt consolidation. That might not be the best way to solve financial credit but it could offer a much lower rates and BillsIQ has all the debt consolidation resources. With BillsIQ they will help you to give importance on your credit score and payment history through credit counseling. The main idea is to avoid bankruptcy.

According to BillsIQ 'the most effective way to manage credit card debt is paying them off every month and do not use it frequently as the interest rates tend to be much higher than other forms of credit'. Is that a debt relief? Definitely YES!

And if your are into budgeting then do not just sit and wait for some miracles to save your financial status, try BillsIQ because they will give some tips on how to save for your rainy days and be prepared not to have overdraft or devastating situations. And the smart way to budget is having a control of your financial future. Be updated, live with your budget and everything will be fine.

So do not just sit, try to save your finances using Bills IQ.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

what is stomach flu?

M was hospitalized yesterday because he had a stomach pain. It was not just a normal stomach pain because M shouted and cried so loud and began to chill. It was diagnosed as stomach flu or the so called gastroenteritis. For your extra knowledge, it is a viral infection that attacks the stomach and small intestine. The stomach flu can be transmitted when we swallow one of the virus. The infected person can spread it through shaking hands or kissing, or food sharing, drinking, or using the utensils of the infected person. How come M had a tremendous pain? Because the virus travels to the stomach and intestine and cause inflammation of the lining. The signs and symptoms of the stomach flu are stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. It typically last for 3 to 4 days and there is no vaccines for it. If your kid has a fever then just give a normal medicine that will reduce it. Stomach flu can have serious side effects particularly in infants and children. Make sure to give special attention when you need it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

how to cure body odor?

I still remember the time that my youngest kid told us about his first school day. During the first week, he told us that he had a delicious lunch and enjoy what he is doing in the school. Until one day having our dinner, we accidentally asked him about his classmate. (Picture courtesy of Flickr)

M : I don't like the kid sitting beside me. (so serious and sad)
Mom: Why?
Dad: Did he do something bad to you?
J: Tell it to me and he will get something....(acting like an action star ha ha ha).
M: Ahmmm...I don't like him to sit beside me because he smell so bad. (Ang baho nya waaaaaaa)

We all laughed and could not imagine how M seriously said his problem. If your kid has a body odor and trying to cure it then first find some reason how come some kids or people have it?

Perspiration is one of the cause of body odor. If the person has imbalances in metabolism then it will result in stronger odors. We have to be aware that the toxins around us can cause some body odor and you can find it in your home, food and air as well. Those toxins can be accumulated to our body and when the organ that has to dispose them could not function accurately then the liver and intestines maybe clogged up, causing body odor. When it is the problem, then there are some herbal medicines that could cure or eliminate the toxins in our body which is called detoxification.

If your body cannot metabolize foods such as eggs, fish, liver and legumes then avoid to eat too much of it. Do you know that garlic, onions, curry, spicy foods, coffee and alcohol are the primary cause of body odor? Do you know that fatty and oily foods can contribute also to the problem? Avoid them or do not eat too much of the said foods.

Next time I will discuss some tips on how to get rid of body odor. Kindly give some points also by leaving your comments. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Intimacy with someone you love!

Are you searching for an intimacy with someone and this someone is not just a normal person but your spouse? Then do not be disappointed if you are not feeling it any more because it can be solved. How? (Picture courtesy of Flickr)
  • Do not expect too much. Do not expect your spouse to be home on time or at certain time of dinner. Do not expect that she or he will say 'I LOVE YOU' every day, every month or every time that you expect it. Expecting too much will only cause discouragement and despair if the outcome is not according to your 'BIG EXPECTATIONS'.
  • Deal with the disconnectedness that keeps far from your spouse. This is your responsibility. Not the other person but yourself. Have the first move. Swallow some ego behind the relationship. Being proud and thinking only yourself is not healthy for you to have intimacy. Do not forget to say 'SORRY' if you really mean it. It may not be as easy as you think but it can save intimacy.
  • Do not define intimacy as what it looks and feels like. Trying to compare your relationship to others could only have disappointment. Always think that every person and relationship is unique - emotionally, intellectually or spiritually.
  • Do not be motivated by what your spouse can do for you but rather have a desire to do what you can for him/her. Your role is to please first your spouse before anybody else.
  • Avoid perfection. There is no such as perfect relationship or perfect spouse. It is better to have an attitude of acceptance, being ready to deal the weakness of other person.
  • Be loyal and avoid cheating on your spouse. Do not use the relationship for your own benefit.
  • Have a loving communication. Establish a regular patterns of communication with your spouse. Neglecting to ask even if it is a slight decision that has to be consulted may affect intimacy at home. Be open but not sarcastic.
Do not abandon the process. Faithfulness is the key. Stay and be connected to him/her. It will deepen your relationship and the reward is intimacy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

sauted corn with spinach, kids will love it!

Every kid hate more or less vegetables! Not always, if you are going to be creative and at the same time think of something that would be applicable to their taste bud. Kids eat a lot of fresh corn specially when it is boiled. I decided to make some experiment instead of boiling a fresh corn, I sauted it with some vegetables. They like it! How!

Ingredients :
  • 2 pcs. fresh corn (scrape it from the husk, separate the corn)
  • 3 tbsp. oil
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 pc. instant vegetable cube
  • 1 pc. Zucchini (slice thinly in cubes)
  • 250 gram fresh spinach
  • 1 pc. onion (slice thinly)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tbsp. fish sauce
Procedure :
  1. Pre-heat the oil for about 3 minutes. Quickly add the onions and garlic. Saute until brown.

  2. Add the scraped corn and instant vegetable cube. Saute for several minutes.

  3. Pour the water and let it boil for a couple of minutes.

  4. Add the spinach and Zucchini.

  5. Add the fish sauce. Do not over cooked the spinach and Zucchini.

  6. Serve while it is hot with some rice and fried fish.
Try it and kids will definitely love it!