
Friday, August 13, 2010

If ....

1. You have skin fungal infections then Ringworm Bush is a good herbal medicine for it. If your kid has a ringworm, that can be used as a treatment also.

2. You have a high sugar (diabetec) then cook some Bitter Melon as a replacement to your insulin treatment.

3. You have cholesterol problem then Garlic is the best solution to your problem.

4. Your kid has tooth decay or gum infection, then Guava leaves can cure it as a herbal medicine.

5. You feel that the cough or asthma of your kid is getting worse everytime, then try a herbal medicine like 5-leaved chaste tree.

6. You like to relieve the body aches & pain then try the peppermint vine as analgesic which is also a herbal medicine.

7. Your kid has a cold, cough, fever & sore throat then try the Ginger Root as a remedy. It can cure also rheumatism and muscle pain.

8. You have urinary tract infections or bladder infections then try Hibiscus as another medicinal plants to cure it.

9. You like to prevent cancer or tumor then Aloe Vera can be tried. Aloe vera is also anti oxidant whichs prevent oxidation of certain fats and gene cells.

If you have time and enough space in your garden then try to plant some of those and who knows it might help some problem with your kids or all of us who like herbal medicine.

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